Management Board: Dr. Ingo Burmester (Chairman), Andreas Heimann, Mark Tantz, Stefan Römheld Registered seat, Registered at Local Court of: Cologne HRB 89567 Sales tax identification number in accordance with § 27 (a) Sales Tax Act: DE312716913
Responsible for content according to § 18 Abs. 2 MStV: Marion ten Haaf Director Group Communications DERTOUR Central Europe GmbH Humboldtstraße 140-144 51149 Cologne, Germany
All rights reserved.
Digital Services Act (DSA)
Reporting illegal content
Single point of contact for Member States’ authorities, the Commission and the Board in accordance with Art. 11 DSA: Communication is possible in German or English. Unlawful content can be reported using this form.
Users who are affected by decisions of the internal complaint-handling system (pursuant to Art. 20 DSA) have the right to choose a certified out-of-court dispute settlement body to resolve disputes in connection with these decisions. This also applies to complaints that have not been resolved by means of the internal complaint-handling system.