
Corporate structure

Ready for the Future of Travel: This Is How DERTOUR Group Is Positioned

As an international tourism group, the DERTOUR Group has been a trusted partner for vacation and business travel for more than 100 years. How people travel, what advice they want and how they book is constantly changing and varies greatly from country to country. As an international travel group, it is therefore all the more important to know exactly what travelers want in the respective markets and at the same time take advantage of the benefits of a strong group. The DERTOUR Group is currently active with more than 130 companies in 16 European source markets

To ensure that the various business divisions within our Group can cooperate to the best possible extent, DERTOUR Group is structurally divided into five units:  Central Europe, Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, the Destination Management Companies (DMC) and Hotels & Resorts. 

Trusted Travel Team

As an international travel group, we benefit from the intensive cooperation and strong network within our group. 

Shared values and principles determine our daily actions as well as the highest quality standards.

As a strong group, we take responsibility and always put the safety of our guests first – no matter where they travel with us.

Trusted Travel Team

As an international travel group, we benefit from the intensive cooperation and strong network within our group. 

Shared values and principles determine our daily actions as well as the highest quality standards.

As a strong group, we take responsibility and always put the safety of our guests first – no matter where they travel with us.

Strong in Germany, Austria and Switzerland: DERTOUR Central Europe

The DERTOUR Central Europe is the largest unit within the DERTOUR Group. It bundles the entire business of tour operators, specialists and sales units in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. 

In Germany, DERTOUR Group ranks among the leading travel providers on the market with its flagship brand: DERTOUR. It unites the renowned tour operator brands DERTOUR, ITS and Meiers Weltreisen under its umbrella, and boasts one of the largest stationary sales network with the DERTOUR travel agencies. 

The Group is also represented by established brands in Austria such as DERTOUR, Meiers Weltreisen and Billa Reisen.

DERTOUR Suisse brings together long-standing and well-known brands like Kuoni and Helvetic Tours, various specialist tour operators and its own travel agencies. This means that DERTOUR Suisse is now one of Switzerland’s market leaders in tourism.

Management  Board DERTOUR Central Europe: 

Dr. Ingo Burmester, CEO DERTOUR Central Europe 
Andreas Heimann, CSO DERTOUR Central Europe 
Mark Tantz, COO DERTOUR Central Europe  
Stephanie Schulze zur Wiesch, CEO DERTOUR Suisse 

At Home in Northern and Western Europe: DERTOUR Northern Europe

The corporate entity of DERTOUR Northern Europe bundles the Group’s activities in Scandinavia, Finland, Great Britain, the Benelux countries and France. 

Apollo ranks among the leading tour operators in the Nordic countries. The popular brand focuses on package tours for sun and beach holidaymakers and also leads the way in active and sports travel.

On the British market, the traditional Kuoni brand is the first port of call for premium and luxury travel all around the world. The stylish Kuoni stores score points with their extensive sales network in first-class locations – here, customers receive comprehensive personal advice. 

Since 2018, DERTOUR Group has been active on the French travel market with Kuoni France. Kuoni France includes the tour operator with the same name, a travel agency sales network as well as various specialists mainly offering high-quality travel in the premium sector. 

In the Netherlands and Belgium, DERTOUR Group relies on the internet as a sales channel with its high-booking online travel portals. Prijsvrij Vakanties is now classed as one of the most successful online providers in the Netherlands. What is more, D-reizen with its online portal and the independent travel agencies has belonged to DERTOUR Group since 2021. 

Management DERTOUR Northern Europe: 

Tobias Jönsson, CEO DERTOUR Northern Europe 
Matt Quinlisk, CFO DERTOUR Northern Europe 
Nicola Sadowski, CHRO DERTOUR Northern Europe
Emmanuel Foiry, CEO DERTOUR France
Francis Torrilla, CEO DERTOUR United Kingdom

DERTOUR_GROUP_Markenübersicht DERTOUR Northern Europe

Strong Presence in Eastern Europe: DERTOUR Eastern Europe

DERTOUR_GROUP_Markenschild Eastern Europe

The corporate unit  DERTOUR Eastern Europe  represents major brands across the region and operates in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Romania. 

DERTOUR Group is strongly represented in the Eastern European market and has continued to grow over recent years. With the popular tour operators Exim Tours in the Czech Republic and Poland as well as Karthago Tours in Hungary and Slovakia, Exim Holding ranks among the local market leaders. All travel products from the two tour operators are marketed both in the stationary travel agencies and very successfully online. 

Since 2019, the Romanian tourism company Travel Brands with the DERTOUR brand has also belonged to DERTOUR Group. With its market entry, DERTOUR is present in Romania as a tour operator and travel agency brand with the largest sales network. 

Through the acquisition of the tourism company Fischer, which is active in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the Group expanded again in 2020 and is now one of Eastern Europe’s leading travel companies. 

Management  DERTOUR Eastern Europe 

Jiří Jelínek, CEO DERTOUR Eastern Europe 
Cosmin Marinof, CEO Travel Brands SA, DERTOUR Romania
Marcin Malysz, CEO Exim Tours S.A. Poland
Marcel Siekel, CEO DERTOUR Slovakia
Zsófia Bocsák, CEO Kartago Tours Hungary

The Global Agency Network (DMCs) of DERTOUR Group

The employees of the Group’s own global destination agencies, the Destination Management Companies (DMCs), look after travelers at their vacation destination with expertise and passion. They are their first point of contact when it comes to questions about reservations, transfers or the organization of excursions, for example.  

In addition to looking after vacation guests, the agency staff in the destinations are in close contact with hoteliers and local partners and handle hotel purchasing for the DERTOUR Group tour operators. DERTOUR DMC offers high-volume operations, specialists and tailor-made arrangements, including groups, tours, cultural tours and MICE packages.  

Depending on the vacation destination, the global network of Destination Management Companies (DMCs) presents itself locally with the following three brands:  

Destination Touristic Services in Europe, GoVacation in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean and New World Travel in the USA. 

Management  DERTOUR DMC:

Dr. Klaus-Ulrich Sperl, CEO DMC DERTOUR Group  
Dominik Roolf, CFO DMC DERTOUR Group 

You can find a complete overview of our DMC network with more information and contact details on the DERTOUR DMC website.


Our comprehensive tour guide service with plenty of information about the holiday destination is convenient and accessible to our guests at any time, also available online at

Apply now as a tour guide

Do you know a destination well and are interested in working as a tour guide? Then apply with us.

To our Jobs

Strategic Area of Growth: DERTOUR Hotels & Resorts

The DERTOUR Group Hotel Division bundles the DERTOUR Group’s growing hotel business, which is now represented by 10 brands and over 110 hotels in 14 countries worldwide.

To satisfy the wide range of holiday dreams and travel wishes of its customers, the hotel division offers both variety and highest quality: The company’s hotels cover a large number of different destinations, target groups and customer needs.

In 2021 the DERTOUR Group founded a joint venture with Deutsche Seereederei and acquired a majority stake in the joint venture in 2024.

Its brand portfolio comprises of leading brands in the international club and holiday hotel industry. These brands include Sentido, Aldiana, Playitas, ananea and Calimera in the medium and long-distance travel business. For land-based travel, DERTOUR Group is well positioned with the DSR Hotel Holding brands aja, A-ROSA and HENRI as well as with its two individual hotels Hotel Louis C. Jacob and Hotel Neptun. 

Management DERTOUR Hotels & Resorts: 

Karl J. Pojer, CEO Hotel Division DERTOUR Group
Max-Peter Droll, CFO Hotel Division DERTOUR Group / CFO Aldiana GmbH
Dieter Zümpel, CSO Hotel Division DERTOUR Group
Christian Grage, Managing Director DERTOUR Hotels & Resorts GmbH
Andreas Pospiech, Managing Director Aldiana GmbH 

DERTOUR_GROUP_Markenübersicht DERTOUR Hotels & Resorts

An overview of the hotel brands with information and contact details can be found on the  DERTOUR Hotels & Resorts website.

Strong in Germany, Austria and Switzerland: DERTOUR Central Europe

The DERTOUR Central Europe is the largest unit within the DERTOUR Group. It bundles the entire business of tour operators, specialists and sales units in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. 

In Germany, DERTOUR Group ranks among the leading travel providers on the market with its flagship brand: DERTOUR. It unites the renowned tour operator brands DERTOUR, ITS and Meiers Weltreisen under its umbrella, and boasts the largest stationary sales network with the DERTOUR travel agencies. 

The Group is also represented by established brands in Austria such as DERTOUR, Meiers Weltreisen and Billa Reisen. DERTOUR Suisse brings together long-standing and well-known brands like Kuoni and Helvetic Tours, various specialist tour operators and its own travel agencies. This means that DERTOUR Suisse is now one of Switzerland’s market leaders in tourism.  

Management Board DERTOUR Central Europe: 

Dr. Ingo Burmester, CEO DERTOUR Central Europe 
Andreas Heimann, CSO DERTOUR Central Europe 
Mark Tantz, COO DERTOUR Central Europe 
Stephanie Schulze zur Wiesch, CEO DERTOUR Suisse 

DERTOUR_GROUP_Markenübersicht DERTOUR Central Europe

At Home in Northern and Western Europe: DERTOUR Northern Europe

The corporate entity of DERTOUR Northern Europe bundles the Group’s activities in Scandinavia, Finland, Great Britain, the Benelux countries and France. 

Apollo ranks among the leading tour operators in the Nordic countries. The popular brand focuses on package tours for sun and beach holidaymakers and also leads the way in active and sports travel. On the British market, the traditional Kuoni brand is the first port of call for premium and luxury travel all around the world. The stylish Kuoni stores score points with their extensive sales network in first-class locations – here, customers receive comprehensive personal advice. 

Since 2018, DERTOUR Group has been active on the French travel market with Kuoni France. Kuoni France includes the tour operator with the same name, a travel agency sales network as well as various specialists mainly offering high-quality travel in the premium sector. 

In the Netherlands and Belgium, DERTOUR Group relies on the internet as a sales channel with its high-booking online travel portals. Prijsvrij Vakanties is now classed as one of the most successful online providers in the Netherlands. What is more, D-reizen with its online portal and the independent travel agencies has belonged to DERTOUR Group since 2021. 

Management  DERTOUR Northern Europe: 

Emmanuel Foiry, CEO DERTOUR France 
Tobias Jönsson, CEO DERTOUR Northern Europe 
Matt Quinlisk, CFO DERTOUR Northern Europe 
Francis Torrilla, CEO DERTOUR United Kingdom 
Nicola Sadowski, CHRO DERTOUR Northern Europe 

DERTOUR_GROUP_Markenschild Northern Europe

Strong Presence in Eastern Europe: DERTOUR Eastern Europe

The corporate unit DERTOUR Eastern Europe comprises Exim Holding, which belongs to the Group, and all affiliated activities in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Romania. 

DERTOUR Group is strongly represented in the Eastern European market and has continued to grow over recent years. With the popular tour operators Exim Tours in the Czech Republic and Poland as well as Karthago Tours in Hungary and Slovakia, Exim Holding ranks among the local market leaders. All travel products from the two tour operators are marketed both in the stationary travel agencies and very successfully online. 

Since 2019, the Romanian tourism company Travel Brands with the DERTOUR brand has also belonged to DERTOUR Group. With its market entry, DERTOUR is present in Romania as a tour operator and travel agency brand with the largest sales network. 

Through the acquisition of the tourism company Fischer, which is active in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the Group expanded again in 2020 and is now one of Eastern Europe’s leading travel companies. 

Management  DERTOUR Eastern Europe 

Jiří Jelínek, CEO DER Touristik Eastern Europe a.s. 
Cosmin Marinof, CEO Travel Brands SA Rumänien
Marcin Malysz, CEO Exim S.A. Polen
Marcel Siekel, CEO DERTOUR Slowakei
Zsófia Bocsák, CEO Kartago Tours Zrt. Ungarn

DERTOUR_GROUP_Markenschild Eastern Europe

The Global Agency Network (DMCs) of DERTOUR Group

The employees of the Group’s own global destination agencies, the Destination Management Companies (DMCs), look after travelers at their vacation destination with expertise and passion. They are their first point of contact when it comes to questions about reservations, transfers or the organization of excursions, for example.

In addition to looking after vacation guests, the agency staff in the destinations are in close contact with hoteliers and local partners and handle hotel purchasing for the DERTOUR Group tour operators. DERTOUR DMC offers high-volume operations, specialists and tailor-made arrangements, including groups, tours, cultural tours and MICE packages.

Depending on the vacation destination, the global network of Destination Management Companies (DMCs) presents itself locally with the following three brands:

Destination Touristic Services in Europe, GoVacation in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean and New World Travel in the USA.

Management DERTOUR DMC:

Dr. Klaus-Ulrich Sperl, CEO DMC DERTOUR Group  
Dominik Roolf, CFO DMC DERTOUR Group 

A complete overview of our DMC network with more information and contact details can be found on the Websites of DERTOUR DMC.


Our comprehensive tour guide service with plenty of information about the holiday destination is convenient and accessible to our guests at any time, also available online at 

Apply now as a tour guide

Do you know a destination well and are interested in working as a tour guide? Then apply with us. 

To our jobs

Strategic Area of Growth: DERTOUR Group Hotel Division

DERTOUR Hotels & Resorts bundles the DERTOUR Group’s growing hotel business, which is now represented by 13 brands and over 120 hotels in 14 countries worldwide.

To satisfy the wide range of holiday dreams and travel wishes of its customers, the hotel division offers both variety and highest quality: The company’s hotels cover a large number of different destinations, target groups and customer needs. Its brand portfolio comprises of leading brands in the international club and holiday hotel industry. These brands include Sentido, Aldiana, Playitas, ananea, Calimera und COOEE  in the medium and long-distance travel business. For land-based travel, DERTOUR Group is well positioned with the DSR Hotel Holding brands aja, A-ROSA and HENRI as well as with its two individual hotels Hotel Louis C. Jacob and Hotel Neptun. 

For land-based travel, DERTOUR Group is well positioned with the DSR Hotel Holding brands aja, A-ROSA and HENRI as well as with its two individual hotels Hotel Louis C. Jacob and Hotel Neptun. 

In 2021 the DERTOUR Group founded a joint venture with Deutsche Seereederei and acquired a majority stake in the joint venture in 2024.

Management  DERTOUR Hotels & Resorts: 

Karl J. Pojer, CEO Hotel Division DERTOUR Group
Max-Peter Droll, CFO Hotel Division DERTOUR Group / CFO Aldiana GmbH
Dieter Zümpel, CSO Hotel Division DERTOUR Group
Christian Grage, Managing Director DERTOUR Hotels & Resorts GmbH
Andreas Pospiech, Managing Director Aldiana GmbH 

An overview of the hotel brands with information and contact details can be found on the  DERTOUR Hotels & Resorts website.